Every day you have to perform various operations on your computer, modify and tweak you system for your convenience. If you're not quite satisfied with your Windows XP Professional or Windows XP Home Edition, if every now and then you feel the urge to tweak it a bit, then XP Utilities Lite is the solution to your problem. With its intuitive user-friendly interface and a powerful set of tools it will help you have all necessary functions at your fingertips and control your system with just a few mouse clicks. XP Utilities Lite includes the selected features of Advanced XP Tweak, put together in a handy set for your everyday use. At any time you can easily upgrade to Advanced XP Tweak, containing even more tweaks and features for the easiest and safest way of getting the most out of your PC.
XP Utilities Lite is an easy and safe way to fine-tune your Windows XP and Internet Explorer. It allows you to optimize your system the way you want, whether you need to quickly access the Windows built-in command line administration tools, add or remove some program, delete the Cookies or use the Startup or DLL Manager. The program can run minimized, hiding in the system tray until you need it, it can also show the warning messages, to make it more convenient,
FixWin is a small, freeware portable application to repair & fix common Windows annoyances & issues. FixWin is also available for Windows 10 as well as Windows 8.
The ultimate in system configuration tools with over 1900 settings. X-Setup is now shut down. Serial key provided to Majorgeeks by XQDC Ltd for anyone to use: XSA092-11TA9R-8K12YT