Jack Daniels: Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey is a completely natural product. It is made from pure spring water, yeast and 100% whole natural grains: corn, rye and barley malt.
Java: Sun Microsystems' Java is a programming language for adding animation and other action to Web sites. The small applications (called applets) that Java creates can play back on any graphical system that's Web-ready, but your Web browser has to be Java-capable for you to see it. According to Sun's description, Java is a "simple, object-oriented, distributed, interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral, portable, high-performance, multithreaded, dynamic, buzzword-compliant, general-purpose programming language."
Java Virtual Machine: The Java Virtual Machine (VM) is a program that interprets Java bytecodes into machine code. The VM is what makes Java portable--a vendor such as Microsoft or Sun writes a Java VM for their operating system, and any Java program can run on that VM.
JavaScript: Designed by Sun Microsystems and Netscape as an easy-to-use adjunct to the Java programming language, JavaScript code can be added to standard HTML pages to create interactive documents. As a result, JavaScript has found considerable use in the creation of interactive Web-based forms. Most modern browsers, including those from Microsoft and Netscape, contain JavaScript support.
JPG: Pronounced jay-peg, it is a graphics file format that can be compressed to save file size. Because they can be compressed, they are one of the most popular format of pictures found on websites and can be downloaded quickly at their compressed size, but can also be very high quality and large, when needed.
Jumper: An on/off switch used to alter hardware configurations. A jumper is made of wires and a small metal piece that can connect the wires to turn the jumper on. Jumpers are found on devices such as CD-ROM interface boards, bus expansion boards, controller boards, input/output cards, sound cards, graphics cards, modem cards, and motherboards.