L2 Cache: Level 2 Cache - The secondary cache memory found on CPU's, L2 Cache uses extremely high speed SRAM coupled with extremely low latencies which helps improve performance.
LAN: Local Area Network - Network of interconnected workstations sharing the resources of a single processor or server, typically within the area of a small office building.
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display - Created by sandwiching an electrically reactive substance between two electrodes, LCDs can be darkened or lightened by applying and removing current. Large numbers of LCDs grouped closely together can act as pixels in a flat-panel display.
LIF: Light Insertion Force - When installing a peripheral, requires light force to insert the device into it's slot/socket. Installing expansion cards (PCI cards and such) require LIF in order to seat it properly.
Linux: Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution.
Liquid Cooling: Method of cooling processors and other devices by liquid cooled water blocks. Similar in operation to heatsinks, but more efficient due to the high thermal conductivity of water.
Lithium-ion: Name for an electrochemical cells whose voltages are derived from the electropotential difference of lithium in the anode and cathode. The electrolyte contains lithium ions that are transferred between the anode and cathode on charge and discharge. Unlike earlier systems, lithium-ion does not use unstable lithium metal as the anode material. Yeah, that didnt help me much either.
LVD: Low Voltage Differential - A form of SCSI signalling that was introduced with Ultra2 SCSI. Low Voltage Differential allows cable lengths of up to 12 meters with up to 15 devices. The devices need to be Ultra2 SCSI LVD devices in order to take advantage of the LVD signalling. LVD uses data high and data low signal lines to increase transmission distances over those of single-ended. LVD differs from conventional differential signaling. LVDs advantages are that it consumes less power and it can sense single-ended devices on the bus and revert to single-ended signalling.