IE Tab for Chrome is a free extension that effectively emulates the Internet Explorer rendering engine making it possible for you to visit IE required sites without actually launching IE.
Dark Reader is a free extension for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Thunderbird that will make surfing the web easier on the eyes through customizable dark themes.
The Super Simple Highlighter for Chrome extension will allow you to highlight selected blocks of text on a webpage, and restore them on each future visit.
Vision for Chrome will apply a high-contrast dark theme to ALL websites and save your eyes. Perfect for night browsing and privacy surfing around others at nighttime.
Screen Shader for Chrome is a freeware extension that provides a soothing orange color to decrease eye strain/fatigue and to satisfy your brain's day/night cycle.
Dark Theme for Google (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera) allows you to add a dark theme for various Google products like search, contacts, images, and translate.
Dark Mode / Night Reader for Chrome is a freeware Chrome extension allowing for inverting page colors, showing white text on a dark background, and more.
Dark Night Mode is a Free Open Source Google Chrome extension that makes all the websites you browse into dark/night mode so that you can browse the internet without straining your eyes.
Color Temperature (Change Lux) for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera can help protect your eyes by adding a warm color to websites allowing you to avoid excessive light.
Dark Mode for Web Chrome extension enables you to switch to a darker color scheme on the majority of web pages, providing a more comfortable viewing experience, particularly in low-light environments.