If you notice your icons on your system are just a white file the use this repair. When the Windows icon database becomes corrupt you will notice the icons not showing correctly. This tool is also a part of Windows Repair (All In One).
Thumbnail and Icon Cache Rebuilder for Windows 10 is a portable freeware app that will purge, clear and delete your Thumbnail and Icon Cache Rebuilder in a click.
If you are having problems with icons not displaying correctly. Run Icon Cache Rebuilder, click Rebuild, wait for Explorer to refresh itself and hit Restart to Restart your computer.
IconChanger can change the icon of a separate file regardless of its type. The project has been abandoned and can only be used as shareware. The evaluation version of IconChanger can change no more than three icons and is limited to finding a maximum of 3000 icons.
Mac OS X Icons
[ 2011-08-31 | 6.12 MB |
Freeware | 10|8|7|Vista|XP | 11140 | 3 ]
No download or description is available but it should be obvious what this is, a pile of icons that look like Max OSX Lion that you can use on your Windows 7 machine.