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August 2010
Archive for August 2010
August 1, 2010
Over 3,000 Windows Phone 7 devices in the wild @ NT Compatible
Apple to Turn Attention to OS X 10.7 for WWDC 2011 @ Mac OS Compatible
Stripper funerals in China, naked funeral directors in America
It's fun to breast-feed at the Y - M - C - A
Titanic II trailer
Bet comes good as US moves to end ban on online gambling
Woman Finds Husband's Other Wife, Disney Wedding On Facebook
PSA: Don't get silicone butt injections from freaky looking people in their home.
Are the New Kindles Tablets-In-Training? @ Slashdot
Top 10 3G Phones @ SomeLongUrl
Remember when MTV actually played music?
August 2, 2010
13 Most Epic Police FAILS of All Time
15 Funny Signs About Unattended Children
Man who urinates into traffic charged with indecent exposure
From my hometown: The ways people abuse 911
1962 glass could be Corning's next bonanza seller
Police: Wendys robber complains about skimpy haul
FFFF0000000600010012 77AA 00000000007D00000000 10012 10000001
Nine strange Walmart parking lot photos
Microsoft Security Updates 08/02/10
Americans spending more time on Facebook; online gaming overtakes e-mail @ SFGate
Internet Explorer Gains Market Share at the Expense of Firefox @ Yahoo!
Verizon Changing Users Router Passwords @ SlashDot
MythBusters Talk Comic Book Myths, New Season, at Comic Con @ Popular Mechanics
August 3, 2010
They are here....UFO photographed from Brazilian jetliner
Randolph man who shot parrot to death could get charges dismissed
Bound woman types help message with toes
Lawrence school security officer charged with statutory rape
Woman tries to steal condoms, dog collars, coffee filters. Sounds like a party!
Android Sales Overtake iPhone in the U.S. @ Gigaom
Hackers release new version of iPhone Jailbreak app @ NetworkWorld
Caddyshack Clubber, TV's Ty-d-Bol Man Dies
Microsoft issues 'critical' patch for shortcut bug @ BBC (Check your Windows Updates)
Arrested Development movie script half done. 1 time I will go to the movies.
Shut up, you can't even stop smiling while you tell the story. Might be your first and last
GOP senators list what they say are the 100 worst stimulus projects
RIM, AT&T Introduce BlackBerry Torch 9800 @ PC World
FiOS Users Getting More Than They Pay For @ DSLReports (Ditto)
Insurgent attack on Kandahar base 'amateurish'
ASUS GeForce GTX 460 SLI Performance @ Benchmark Reviews
Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex Desk 3TB External Hard Drive Review @ Bigbruin.com
August 4, 2010
Updated: Vulnerability in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution @ NT Compatible
PSA: Don't Use Tasers on Bears
Snowflake and her daddy sue estate of woman, child and unborn child she killed
Cheating scandal at U.S. Open rocks bass-fishing community
Baacon prices going up... Everybody panic! Mmmmm, bacon.
Web attack knows where you live @ BBC
Attorney General Investigates Potentially Anticompetitive E-Book Deals With Amazon And Apple @ Conn. AG
Ripping Your Blu-rays the Easy and Free Way @ Techage
Swordplay (literally) at a sex shop
The curse of popularity: Hackers love Apple's iPad, iPhone, too @ ZDNet
August 5, 2010
Leaked Details On 2010-2011 iPods, iPhone 5, Bumper 2 + iPad mini @ Mac OS Compatible
Top 10 Funniest Gay Marriage Comedy Bits
Heads up Lincoln Park rapist, it's on! (1:00 mark in the video)
Barnes & Nobles up for sale @ NY Times
Resistance Forms Against Hollywoods 3-D Push @ NY Times
Monster croc stalks settlement
The great underwear caper
Android 2.2 on Motorola Droid: First impressions of Froyo @ NetworkWorld
Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse rumor resurfaces, expected in September for $69.95 @ Engadget
The 'Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger' is a Summer Hit. Seriously, what's wrong with people?
Ubuntu 10.10 Alpha 3 released @ Linux Compatible
August 6, 2010
Todays Microsoft Downloads 08/06/10 @ NT Compatible
GNOME 2.31.6 released @ Linux Compatible
Florida Friday: Bikini car wash not a bust
Florida Friday: Mom To Sue After Wet Shirt Leads To Arrest
Florida Friday: Police respond to break-in, find naked intruder asleep on couch
Florida Friday: Burglar caught breaking into house 2nd time to leave a thank you note
Florida Friday: Hernando County Sheriff's deputies: Man has 'accident' during DUI test
A fine example of what should happen when you play in traffic
PC Gaming Alliance Releases Newest Horizons Hardware Research @ Game Newswire
Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered @ AlterNet
More than 1 in 10 Mozilla bug finders turn down cash @ NetworkWorld
August 7, 2010
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 2.2 (for IT Professionals) @ NT Compatible
Debian 6.0 frozen @ Linux Compatible
HP CEO forced to resign amid harassment claims
Late for School? Hop on the jet powered schoolbus
Need Help? Get a Free Tech Support Call Normally $70. <br>Tune-up/Protect/Spyware removal/Cameras/Wireless and more.<br> Support for PC & Mac. Expires 8.15 Use Promo Code 'majorgeeks'. Enjoy!
A simple plan to ruin your boss: plant child porn on his PC
What happens in Vegas...
Utah polygamists star in reality TV show
PSA: If your Catholic school principal is called Mr. Hugs, go somewhere else
Man arrested after wife writes to Obama asking for help. USA! USA! USA!
August 8, 2010
Microsoft Scrambles to Squash Bug in Windows Kernel @ NT Compatible
Mark Chapman gets another shot at freedom
Good Cop: Justice in Brooklyn
Sharks pass on eating woman
Young alligator trapped in Chicago River
Great-Grandmother Disputes Porn Bill
Fat slob attacks autistic childs father for disturbing his dining experience.. at Olive Garden
August 9, 2010
Apple Smart Bike Patent Reveals Amazing Features @ Huffington
Weed goes mainstream
Cops say man stuffed lobster tails down shorts
Las Vegas Considers Hula-Hoop Ban
UCF coach O'Leary: I gave permission for Playmate shoot in UCF locker room
Woman Too Excited About Arrest On TV
'Million Dollar Flaw' the First Test of XP Phaseout @ Infopackets.
102 thrillseekers strip off to break the naked rollercoaster world record [NSFW]
It's Lando Calrissian: Blackstar Warrior
The 13 Most Violent Things That've Happened at a McDonald's
Windows Intune Beta @ NT Compatible
Cops love iPhone data trail @ Suntimes
August 10, 2010
Plane Crazy: JetBlue Flight Attendant Pops Open Plane Chute at JFK, Slides Away
Fond du Lac strippers cited after dispute over money made from lap dances
Hookers have child care issues too
Olivia Munn: Pics of G4's Hottest Girl
Majorgeeks Software store is now open! Please support Majorgeeks and consider purchasing your software through us and our trusted partners. Discounted software available every day!
Store example: AVG Professional for only $7.99! 75% off, that's pretty awesome.
Ten of the Hottest Comic Book Girls
KDE Releases Development Platform, Applications and Plasma Workspaces 4.5.0 @ Linux Compatible
Man who urinated in cups at House of Blues is released from jail
Last Comic Standing picks crappy winners. Again. DVR delete. (NSFW)
Diaper man pleads guilty to fraud
Safer lithium ion batteries: add water, lose the oxygen @ ARS
Record patches means a very Fat Tuesday @ Blorge
A place where pinball is illegal @ CNN
FTC busts domain name scammers @ Networkworld
42 Security Updates @ NT Compatible
August 11, 2010
More Microsoft Security Updates @ NT Compatible
Bad Cop: Drunk and taser proof
Acronis True Image for 55% off. We have used this for as long as we can remember. $22.50
Partly Cloudy with a Chance of HOT: The 26 Hottest Weather Babes on TV
ASUS NX90 stole before press conference @ 7PCNews.
Whiplash mistress goes free. Don't look.
A History Of Political Plane Crashes
Motorola Droid 2 Pre-Sale Starts Tomorrow on Verizon @ Gizmodo
Google CEO Says Anonymity Online Is 'Dangerous'
Registry hack tricks Windows XP SP2 into installing security updates @ InfoWorld
McAfee says buy more McAfee products @ Yahoo
First SMS Trojan detected for smartphones running Android @ Kaspersky
Large waist size linked to 'higher risk of death' (Duh)
VisionTeks HD4670X2 Quad Card delivers Power & Efficiency @ w2s
August 12, 2010
Microsoft Security Bulletin Updates 11/08/10 @ NT Compatible
My 10 Best Kindle Tips and Tricks @ MeandmyKindle
McNuggets Rage Caught On Tape [Video]
The 8 Greatest "Hot Chick" Internet Hoaxes
'Secret' photos of Rush Limbaugh's wedding now public
How About A Nice Beer Popsicle?
Not tonight, dear, I'm online
Rumor: Gearbox Software Takes the Reins on Duke Nukem Forever @ GameSpy
Nerd takes back Donkey Kong record, unaware the 80's ended
Ashampoo Burning Studio 10 at 20% off in the new Majorgeeks store
Sexy Toronto construction workers
August 13, 2010
IE9 Beta Launch @ NT Compatible
Florida Friday: Man Wins Lottery Grand Prize For 7th Time
Florida Friday: Bong Baby's momma arrested
Florida Friday: Taco vendor, judge, Iraq vet collar suspected thief
Florida Friday: Sailor: Discharged For Being Gay? (Or just stupid?)
The perils of lending your car to a prostitute (Mugshot)
Copyright Boss Refuses Debate with Pirate Bay Co-Founder @ TorrentFreak
Florida Friday: Indian River County woman finds sleeping pills in ground beef purchased at Walmart
Florida Friday: OSHA Investigates Acme In Man's Death
August 14, 2010
Update for Microsoft Office Word 2003 (KB979045) @ NT Compatible
Apple Seeds First Developer Build of Mac OS X 10.6.5 @ Mac OS Compatible
One ballsy soccer coach
'Psychic' leads cops to wrong body
Designer cologne's scent spot on for snow leopards
Did real estate agent play while owner was away?
Plane Crazy: Naked man steals fire truck, makes bomb threat. Suck it Steven Slater
FFFF0000000600010012 77AA 00000000007D00000000 10012 10000001
Big chunk of economic stimulus yet to be spent by state, local governments
Lightning strikes 13-year-old boy at 13:13 on Friday the 13th
Cub survives 10 days with head stuck in jar
August 15, 2010
Cumulative Update for System Center Service Manager 2010 (KB 2193861) @ NT Compatible
20 Linux Tutorials and Articles @ W2S
Elderly man with walker robs B.C. bank
This Weeks 'Jersey Shore' Proves That Every Night Should Be MVP Night
21 Signs You've Been Spoiled Rotten by Technology @ PCWorld
Android-based smartphone shipments leapfrog Apple's iPhone @ AppleInsider
Bad Cop: Provo police officer arrested on sex charges (Video)
August 16, 2010
Craigslist killer does one thing right
Overweight Teen Arrested For Stabbing Mother Over Cheeseburger [Video]
The Allure of a Female Hitchhikers Breast Size
Wikileaks to Pentagon: "You can't threaten us" @ SkunkPost
Feds: Online 'Sextortion' of Teens on the Rise @ ABC
A Blatant Gallery of Hot Girls Eating Hot Dogs @ Uncoached
Ad-Aware Plus 3 Year License 28% Off
Watch NASA repair the ISS live
CompatDB Updates 08/16/10 @ NT Compatible
How the "ground zero mosque" fear mongering began. Yup, some silly blogger.
This Hobby Lobby Reserves The Right To Search Your Car
August 17, 2010
Windows Live Essentials 2011 Beta Refresh available for download @ NT Compatible
Report Says Apple to Launch 7-inch IPad by Christmas @ Mac OS Compatible
The 8 Greatest "Hot Chick" Internet Hoaxes
Man exposes genitals, threatens customers and tries to steal soda truck (Mug)
Trespassing man: I never agreed to be banned
Moose club members hunt for 'Bare chest bandit' (LOL, video)
Law enforcement takes advantage of suspects' tattoos
Facebook Dislike button scam spreads virally @ Sophos
Google CEO Suggests You Change Your Name to Escape His Permanent Record @ ReadWriteWeb
Suit alleges Disney, other top sites spied on users @ Cnet
How to shut your neighbors dog up
TeamViewer beta available
Why We Should Actually Thank Dr. Laura for Her N-Word Rant
Rod Blagojevich verdict: Guilty on only 1 count, Blago vows to fight on
August 18, 2010
Microsoft F# August 2010 Community Technology Preview @ NT Compatible
Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS released @ Linux Compatible
Hitchhiking From Seattle to NYC in 3 Minutes [Video]
Only thing worse then a loser? Posing as a loser.
White House gatecrashers miss the 'old days' (Let me help)
Wil Quits w00tstock!
Uniblue PowerSuite 2010 @ 68% Off
YouTube garners most video views, Yahoo #2 @ Yahoo
Drunk driver caught driving without a license. For 33 years.
Last U.S. combat troops leave Iraq
Your fears confirmed: "up to" broadband speeds are bogus @ ARS
August 19, 2010
Microsoft Security Bulletin Updates 08/18/10 @ NT Compatible
Motorcycle rear ended, caught on cam [Video]
15 Amazing Body Transformations
Man hospitalized after viper bite at Ocala Lowe's store
Intel looks for security in $7.7 billion McAfee deal @ CNN
Adobe to patch Reader zero-day bug Thursday @ ComputerWorld
8-Bit YouTube
10 Cardinal Rules For Visiting Las Vegas
Maniac Mansion Legos
50 really useful Android tips and tricks @ TechRadar
Edmonton twins stopped brutal sexual assault
Federal appeals court says highways' crosses are unconstitutional
Police arrest best gang ever
August 20, 2010
Office 2010 Developer Training Kit 2.0 @ NT Compatible
Apple Seeds Mac OS X 10.6.5 Build 10H529 to Developers @ OS X Compatible
Orange County Choppers' Paul Teutul Sr. Rides into Woodward Dream Cruise With Gladiator GarageWorks
Florida Friday: Man Arrested for Taking Bath in Memorial Park Fountain
Florida Friday: Two men befoul swanky resort's pool
Florida Friday: Grandson stole grandmother's jewelry to get tattoos, police say
Bad news for AMD as Intel gains server share @ Ars
Pac-Man on the AVC Edge voting machine. Beats voting.
The Most Dangerous Man in Cyberspace @ Rolling Stone
Customer Service WIN @ Failblog
DIY Airsoft M134 Minigun
Florida Friday: Navy panel votes to discharge ex-astronaut Nowak
August 21, 2010
12 Funniest "Oh No" Guy Family Guy Moments
12 cars you must drive before you kick the bucket
Stupidity at All-Time High on This Weeks Jersey Shore
Antwun Parker's Mom Says Son's A 'Hero'
August 22, 2010
Man sells GT500 raffle ticket for $200; watches guy win the car [Video]
Misinformation and the The Prefetch Flag @ MSDN Blog
Improv Everywhere: Black Tie Beach
'No fat girls' puts nightclubs in spotlight
'Granny Pods' Keep Elderly Close, At Safe Distance
Dog in wheelchair scales N.H. mountain
Homeless man lived into US library basement for nearly 2 weeks, took employees' food
Intel exec Renee James discusses goals for McAfee @ Cnet
Mystery of Beer Goggles Solved
Jacksonville man celebrates 107 years with a Big Mac cake
August 23, 2010
Bad Cop: Lawrence officer caught on tape stunt riding [Video]
Air base expansion plans reflect long-term investment in Afghanistan
Toddler walks two blocks to reach medical help for her father
Dozens arrested in Polk sex sting (video + mugshots)
Trouble getting overweight man out of court after guilty plea in police standoff
10 Books Lindsay Lohan Read While In Prison
Dozens of Windows Apps Said to Contain Same Critical Flaw @ NT Compatible
Top 5 YouTube Videos of 2010 (So Far)
August 24, 2010
Update against DLL preloading vulnerabilities @ NT Compatible
The 30 Greatest On-Stage Falls of All Time
Cruiser cam catches 100 mph crash (with WOW video)
AMD Announces 8-Core Bulldozer CPU @ Maximum PC
Windows 8 Should Virtualize Everything @ PC Magazine
Microsoft Security Essentials gets certified @ Neowin
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 @ 30% off
A Slick Gallery of Painted Game Consoles
Windows Phone 7 nears the finish line with SDK release date @ ARS
The 10 Ugliest Celebrity Siblings
Fraudsters Drain PayPal Accounts Through iTunes @ TechCrunch
Spray the whole state while you're at it
'Dancer/housewife' busted after deputies see bag fall from 'genital area'
August 25, 2010
20 Windows Updates released @ NT Compatible
<b>Paul Jr. Designs (OCC) at Sturgis 2010 [Spoiler]</b>
Filesharing bully lawyer facing disiplinary tribunal @ Tech.Blorge
Florida chef goes berserk, gets KOd!
The City Grill killings: anger, racism, stupidity
Deputies say son drove mother to sex appointment
Deputies: Mother abandoned children at vacant home
Windows 95 Turns 15 @ Slashdot
Verizon Offers $80, 5GB Prepaid Data Plan @ DSL Reports
Mich. judge lets Hooters weight bias suits proceed. BOOOOOOOOOOO
Apple exec stashed $150K in shoe boxes @ ComputerWorld
Reality TV continues to be desperate; Vanilla Ice Headlines DIY 'Baby'.
<b>Joey Belladonna with Anthrax; South American tour promo video - Blooper</b>
August 26, 2010
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1 and 10 other MS updates @ NT Compatible
Internet Explorer 9 UI revealed @ Neowin
Would-be purse snatcher thwarted by his own photobomb
The Quest For Every Beard Type (Don't forget the poll)
7 Cartoon Characters That Really Exist
Attack of the killer carwash [Video]
Trapped Chilean miners told rescue could take months
Lesbian Hooters Waitress From Illinois Joins 'America's Next Top Model' (Bet she can lick the other contestants!)
Majorgeeks Locals: Psychic busted for meth lab. Oops.
New Digg launched... looks about the same, a pile of links like this one
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 @ 30% Off ?!?
Drunken employee pops cap in server
August 27, 2010
Florida Friday: Teen who criticized 9-1-1 collared for the crime
Gallery of Bikini Car Wash Babes [NSFW]
Florida Friday: Melbourne man (idiot) sports city seal tattoo
Florida Friday: Man Shot Wife During Training For Robbery Scenarios
Florida Friday: Mom left 3 kids in hot car while visiting boyfriend in jail, officials say
The Anonymous Note and the Hippopotamus on This Weeks Jersey Shore
Florida Friday: Man tries to steal 6 steaks by putting them down his shorts
Florida Friday: Rape Victim Runs Over Wrong Man
Contentteller 2.1.3 released @ Contentteller.com
August 28, 2010
Hotfix for Microsoft Application Request Routing for IIS7 @ NT Compatible
20 Most Outrageous Coco Austin Booty Pics (And Galleries)
Man arrested for choking wife calls from jail, threatens to kill her: cops
Paul Teutul Jr & Rachel Beister tie the knot
Dude, where's my wife?
Colonel Kicked Out of Afghanistan for Anti-PowerPoint Rant
Fidel Castro: Osama Bin Laden Is A US Agent
August 29, 2010
Ben Collins dumped by BBC after being unmasked as Top Gears The Stig
Nero Multimedia Suite 10. Save: $20.00 (20%) in Majorgeeks store
Orgasm God
Giant squids cause havoc in UK
The winner of the second annual VPI Hambone Award
Paul Allen Sues Apple, Google, Others Over Patents
Solving the Rubik's Cube while skydiving
Jimmy Fallon Impersonates 12 Different Comedians
Facebook is trying to trademark 'face'
Samsung Galaxy Tab accessories leaks out @ TBreak
VisionTeks launches The CandyBoardTM Wireless Mini Keyboard @ W2S
August 30, 2010
Nerf Tank FTW [Video]
20 Sexy Celebrity Twitter Pics
Tot Rock!
It's Not Over: HP Ups the Ante for 3PAR To $2 Billion @ Yahoo
Outsourced Call Centers Return, To U.S. Homes @ NPR
LEGO Ghostbusters Scene
21 year old Florida man allegedly claimed to be 14 to play football
Climber discovered after perishing in ice 21 years ago
Suck it: Heavy Drinkers Outlive Nondrinkers, Study Finds
August 31, 2010
Toshiba Satellite T235D Nile-powered notebook and 14 other reviews @ NT Compatible
The 7 Bloodiest Social Media Battles
Death Row inmate wins ruling, then hangs self
Police: Would-be burglar gets stuck in grease vent
Facebook post gets Detroit-area juror in hot water
Scariest New Restaurant Foods
Digg Crybabies Slam Digg With Links From Rival Reddit @ Huffington
Funny video of a kitty playing some Duck Hunt!
Lady vicar tells Anglicans to learn from Black Sabbath
Microsoft Unveils Workaround for Remote DLL Attacks @ InfoPackets
Rustock botnet sends 39 percent of all spam @ ZDNet
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
September 2010