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September 2013
Archive for September 2013
September 1, 2013
Intel Shows PAX Attendees SSD Overclocking and more @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: The one
Gun-toting, underwear clad man shot by neighbor after foiling burglary (VIDEO)
Random Photos: Pope Francis "selfie"
Vomit covered drunk arrested while sleeping in running vehicle (MUGSHOT)
Random Photo: For a good time, call...
School nurse arrested for stealing students' Ritalin pills (MUGSHOT + VIDEO)
Garfield's Escape for Android
September 2, 2013
How to Get Windows XP Mode on Windows 8 and more @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Mystery handicap parking spot
Bare Mass. man gets tasered after smashing car windshield (VIDEO)
Practice getting bombed for free at Darlene’s Tavern in Maryland (VIDEO)
Samsung Galaxy Note 12.2-inch tablet surfaces in leaked render
Malware Authors Employ Variety to Evade Security Detection
Flashback: Top news and downloads from the past week
New Zealand man 3D prints an Aston Martin DB4
Random Photo: Watermelon cutting 101 - Do it like Dexter
Iran-born Dutch filmmaker prank calls the NSA to help him find lost email (VIDEO)
Verizon Reaches Agreement To Acquire Vodafone's 45 Percent Interest In Verizon Wireless For $130 Billion
Windows Phone gains to highest level of 8.2% market share on first time smartphone buyers
September 3, 2013
Intel Core i7-4960X Reviews and more @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Awesome view of Milkyway from surface of Mars
Microsoft to acquire Nokia’s devices & services business, license Nokia’s patents and mapping services
Random Photo: If a woman always wins an argument...
Blackberry Messenger beta for Android video surfaces
Hot new London skyscraper melts Jaguar (VIDEO)
Random Photo: Going back to work after a long weekend sucks
Man smokes crack while in police custody (MUGSHOT)
Police kill man after neighborhood argument over dog (VIDEO)
SEA hacks the US Marines website
Hacker group recruits for renewed attacks against US and Israel on 9-11 anniversary (VIDEO)
Nascar driver's girlfriend slaps Max Papis (VIDEO)
Next Android to be called KitKat with giveaways coming on September 6th
Syrian Electronic Army hacked
Flaw in Facebook earns reward of $12,500
Android KITKAT 4.4 ad pokes fun at Apple designer Jony Ive (VIDEO)
September 4, 2013
Derrière smuggled Derringer detected by deputies (VIDEO)
Desktop CPU Comparison Guide Rev. 13.7 and more @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Does this shirt make me look fat?
Hashtags on Facebook do nothing to help additional exposure
Man breaks ankle, rescue helicopter airlifts him to his death (VIDEO)
HDMI 2.0 officially announced: 18Gbps bandwidth, 60fps 4K, 32 channel audio
CSR's keyboard is the worlds thinnest (VIDEO)
When life hands you lemons, threaten your nephew with a gun (MUGSHOT)
Overnight Kmart 'huffing' frenzy leads to morning arrest (MUGSHOT)
Castro is dead, not that Castro (VIDEO)
Xbox One in stores Friday, November 22nd (VIDEO)
Panasonic to retreat from consumer smartphones
Citadel back and stealing info again
Samsung Smartwatch unveiled at Berlin trade show, release date in October (VIDEO)
NYC mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner gets into foul shouting match with voter (VIDEO)
September 5, 2013
Gun-toting bandit picks wrong store, clerk pulls his own gun (VIDEO)
Moped mom lifts shirt to provide 'meals on wheels' to crying baby (VIDEO)
Random Photo: One way to put your car in a barn
60 cars burned to the ground after drunken BBQ (VIDEO)
Random Photo: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!
Secrets of the Chat:Terrorists receive new mobile phone encryption software
Nokia mocks Samsung and Android in 'violent' tweet
Is the SEA standalone or are they being helped?
Giada D300 Universal Barebone Mini-PC Review and more (25 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
KDE 4.11.1 released
Bass shatters windshield (VIDEO)
TRENDnet slapped with 20 years probation over webcam flaw
New email malware set to steal your bank account
Rumor: Apple testing iPhone screens as large as six inches
Avoiding social media scams requires reading comprehension
September 6, 2013
Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification for September 2013
Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) Beta 1 Released
Random Photo: Florida, family first
Florida Friday: The awkward moment you discover intimate pictures of yourself on the landlord's computer (MUGSHOT + VIDEO)
Florida Friday: 400-pound man arrested after attacking deputies (MUGSHOT)
Random Photo: Husbands must have a note from their wives before...
Out of control truck knocks down power lines, backs over car, ends up in house (VIDEO)
Ocala Police warn of man scamming money to build bridge in Malaysia
AT&T drops LTE version of 7-inch Galaxy Tab 3 by $100
Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo hits mach 1.43 at 69,000 feet (VIDEO)
Official trailer released for Robocop remake (VIDEO)
Alienware 17 Gaming Notebook Review and more @ NT Compatible
Facebook tables plans to use member's faces in ads
Update on TOR usage
Introducing the iPhone 5S parody (VIDEO)
September 7, 2013
Man uses "number switch" to save home from demolition (VIDEO)
Crazy granny takes cops on 100 mph chase with unsecured 4 year old in car (VIDEO + MUGSHOT)
Pantless burglar breaks in home to have milk and cookies (VIDEO)
Backlash over NSA spying sends Google racing to encrypt data
Random Photo: Realizing that you are technology dependent is the first step
Random Photo: Boy in bear costume meets bear
Liberace's alleged ex-lover arrested again in Reno after failing drug test (MUGSHOT, VIDEO)
Tron 3D + HD for Android
Florida AG asks Kitson, Inc. to stop selling clothing that glamorizes prescription drugs
Delusional underwear model, 49, claims she can’t get work because she looks too young
September 8, 2013
Monkey steals ball from boy passes it to onlooker
Random Photo: If lost return to Rita
Random Photo: The perfect pillow?
Star Trek's Reaction to Miley Cyrus
Startup “iCracked” will fix or buy your damaged iPhone
September 9, 2013
All smartphone data accessible to NSA
Son comes out - Mom leaves this note
Random Photo: Going down the wrong track
Micron P420m 1.4TB PCIe SSD Review and more @ NT Compatible
Iowa issues special gun permits; you will not see this coming (VIDEO)
The best hooker on Stock Island costs only 40 bucks (MUGSHOT)
Orange County Deputy nabs 13-foot, 737.5-pound gator
Will Grand Theft Auto V be the most expensive game to date?
Flashback: Top news and downloads from the past week
Random Photos: A couple of Facebook fails
More information on the Intel SSD Overclocking @ myce
CM Storm Quickfire XT Mechanical Keyboard Review @ BMR
Houdah ACTPrinter Virtual Printer App Review @ Bigbruin.com
MSI GeForce GTX 760 HAWK @ Bjorn3D
Nissan Nismo Smartwatch watches track and driver (VIDEO)
Moto X "Lazy Phone" Ad -- Touchless Control (VIDEO)
Jaguar C-X17 crossover concept revealed with lightweight aluminum architecture (VIDEO)
George Zimmerman in police custody for another incident involving a gun (VIDEO)
Acxiom opens up its data store
Dell working on a $100 portable thumb drive computer
Porsche releases full, official details on 918 Spyder hybrid
Matthew Cordle confesses to killing man in crash (VIDEO, UPDATE)
September 10, 2013
12 Tips to Reduce Your Monthly Wireless Bill and more @ NT Compatible
Microsoft urged to put Ford boss on CEO shortlist
BMW i8 plug-in hybrid revealed - starting at $135,000
Man arrested for false 911 call, making doughnut jokes (MUGSHOT)
Random Photo: The "i" in team has been discovered!
Random Photo: Step away from the cake (Caption this)
Netflix coming to Virgin Media
Dyson sues Samsung over new vacuum's steering mechanism
Changes underway at Apple’s website
Walmart launches smartphone trade-in program in the U.S starting September 21st
22-year old newlywed admits to pushing her husband off a cliff (VIDEO)
Mother of the year: Feces, rotten food, convicted sex offender found in Tulsa moms home
Black Sabbath full concert live @ Verizon Wireless Amphitheater 2013 (VIDEO)
Microsoft Security Updates 10/09/13
Spike in TOR usage identified as a botnet
Google pushes to encrypt data
Watch the Apple iPhone 5S press event streamed live at 10:00 AM PST (Video, Summary now available)
September 11, 2013
Zotac ZBOX ID89 Plus Mini PC Review and more (14 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Microsoft Security Updates 10/09/13 #2
Random Photo: Never Forget
Man claims girlfriend assaulted herself after football game upset (MUGSHOT)
Random Photo: Living the dream!
Jimmy Kimmel twerking fail (VIDEO)
Land Rover and kebab: Some people really 'love' them
YouTube DUI killer Matthew Cordle has change of heart, will not plead "guilty"
Apple's got much more than just a new iPhone (VIDEO)
SlickLogin: Silent assassin of the alpha numeric password
Apple stock down 6% 24 hours after new iPhone reveal
Jimmy Kimmel punks people on the street with the "new" iPhone 5s (VIDEO)
Half of the Bluetooth Enabled Devices Shipped in 2013 will be Smart or Smart Ready
Backlash over 9-11 market placement forces AT&T to issue apology
NSA accused of industrial espionage
John McAfee Dead....not
September 12, 2013
How To Fix GDI Leaks In Internet Explorer and more (17 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Colombian authorities help Canadian woman birth 2 kilo twins at Bogata airport (VIDEO)
9-11 is the perfect day for an airport fire training exercise (VIDEO)
$30k yacht wedding paid for by stolen credit card (VIDEO)
Random Photo: Frogger - Rocket launch edition
Mom tases daughter in face after mobile home cleaning argument (MUGSHOT)
Samsung following Apple’s lead bringing 64-bit processors to the next generation of phones and tablets
Random Photo: This guy REALLY loves WalMart!
Dell stockholders approve Michael Dell's $24.9 billion buyout
Florida woman scams $100,000 in toilet fan scam (MUGSHOT)
Why the gold iPhone is the best (VIDEO)
1967 L88 Corvette Convertible Sells for Record $3.2 Million at Mecum (VIDEO)
Moto X picks on the new iPhone 5C colors in this new spot
New ransomeware using the NSA as a bogus malware trap
Leave your hand grenades at home advises the TSA
Twitter tweets IPO intentions
September 13, 2013
How the ADSL Connection Works and more (18 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
CompatDB Updates 09/13/13
iPhone 5C pre-orders now available with delivery on September 20th
Florida Friday: Cops punch and taser man for walking on wrong side of road (VIDEO)
Florida Friday: Mom dangles baby over balcony posts pic to Instagram (MUGSHOT)
Florida Friday: Chubby Ray Liotta look alike arrested for filing false police report (MUGSHOT)
Random Photo: Sharp witted confession
Noctua NH-U12S and NH-U14S Heatpipe Tower Coolers Review @ Bigbruin.com
Lian Li PC-Q28 Aluminum Mini-ITX Tower PC Case Review @ BMR
Fractal Arc Midi R2 Computer Case Review @ Madshrimps
Random Photos: The LEGO dress is a real thing
Google may owe you up to $10k for Street View wiretapping law violations
It Happens to the Best of Us
Mean obituary pulled from Reno newspaper (VIDEO)
Top Segway fails compilation (VIDEO)
Phonebloks: A concept phone with interchangeable parts (VIDEO)
France gets paranoid over Snowden revelations
Picture passwords less secure than a 4 pin
September 14, 2013
How to access Outlook.com email accounts using IMAP and more (14 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Wine 1.7.2 released
Random Photo: Do you know difference between Ray and Blu-Ray?
Masked prowler wreaks havoc after breaking into Alabama police station (VIDEO)
Random Photo: A nice note left on a restaurant receipt
Man arrested for assault after girlfriend/cousin 3 play goes south (MUGSHOT)
GTAV midnight launch details and store locators
Microsoft pulls iPhone 5 parody (VIDEO)
Trade in your iPad for Surface at a Microsoft store and get at least $200
AT&T now sending out letters to persistent pirates warning of account termination
Lindsay Lohan's mother Dina arrested for drunk driving with blood alcohol level 'more than twice the legal limit'
Dog tips family off to abusive babysitter (VIDEO)
Gigabyte Z87X-OC @ Bjorn3D
Mushkin Scorpion Deluxe PCIe SSD Review
Google Street View car Crashes Into a Bus....Then Another Bus
California school district hires firm to monitor students social media
Latest Java release aims at fixing "Drive-by" vulnerability
Microsoft has reissued September patches after complaints
September 15, 2013
Classic Shell 4.0 Review and more @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: That's a croc!
Man shot in groin after moped dispute (MUGSHOT)
Driving fast, pantsless, and high on meth gets man 29 month sentence (VIDEO)
NYPD opens fire on crazed man near Times Square, hits bystanders instead (VIDEO)
Random Photo: Nice wedding cake!
September 16, 2013
Samsung SSD 840 Evo Review and more @ NT Compatible
Bank robber forgets keys for getaway car inside bank (MUGSHOT)
Flirty text messages lead to stabbing at homeless camp (MUGSHOT)
Majorgeeks locals: Fayetteville's Nina Davuluri is named Miss America
HTC America lays off 20% of its workforce
Random Photo: That's gonna leave a mark!
Flashback: Top news and downloads from the past week
Photo Pop Quiz
Joystiq reviews Grand Theft Auto V a day before release (VIDEO)
Former NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden: Terrorists love Gmail
Pantless man on a mission: Gets high, steals boat, crashes into others at marina (VIDEO)
NASA uses drones against potential killers - Hurricanes (VIDEO)
Irish pot growers make best mistake ever before being busted; they grew the wrong plant
Star Trekkies inundate NSA Control Room
September 17, 2013
Xeon E5-2600 V2: 12-core Ivy Bridge EP Review and more (20 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Third and probably last beta release of Debian Edu Wheezy
Random Photos: So I was thinking about hitting up a casino in NY...
Police cruiser stolen by a police officer (MUGSHOT)
Random Photo: The new Microsoft keyboard
$100 nighttime encounter leads to daytime knife play (MUGSHOT)
Man in custody after "throwing a projectile" at White House (VIDEO)
iPhone 5s & iPhone 5c Arrive on Friday, September 20
McAfee names actress Lily Collins most dangerous celeb for internet lookup
Android WebView exploit allows installation of malicious software
Technical glitch allows Iranians access to Twitter, Facebook
Windows 8.1 priced at $119.99+ for full install in retail packaging or download
Condoms for your thumb drive?
Brazilian hacker confuses NASA with NSA
George Takei takes a look at Google Glass with Lamarr Wilson (VIDEO)
September 18, 2013
How to install the Media Center Pack in Windows 8.1 and more @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Did he sell his girlfriend?
British woman dances like nobody’s watching (VIDEO)
Man spent 11 hours stuck in ventilation system, naked (VIDEO + MUGSHOT)
Random Photo: Taking Barbie out on the crotch rocket
Drunken knife wielding lunatic stabs roommate for listening to the Eagles (MUGSHOT)
iOS 7 will be available to everyone today
Soldier and wife arrested for making special dog videos (MUGSHOTS)
Google considers ditching 'cookies'
Microsoft issues emergency fix for IE bug
AT&T to offer 99-cent Galaxy S3 Mini on September 27, pre-order on 19th
Florida attorney arrested for night prowling wearing only a skull cap and running shoes (MUGSHOT)
One third of TOR traffic is fraudulent
Celeb searching leads to virus
Grand Theft Auto V exceeds $800 million in first 24 hours setting new record
September 19, 2013
Intel NUC Kit D54250WYK Review and more (17 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
openSUSE 13.1 Beta 1 released
Random Photo: Do what?
Parking ticket scuffle leads to feces flinging
Man crashes into back of patrol car, tries to flee, blows a .353 (MUGSHOT)
Church wedding delayed due to a couple of unscheduled balls at same venue
Random Photo: Another Dad gets it right!
Random Photo: Do you know what day it is?
Conan upgrades to iOS 7 (VIDEO)
Watch this eagle soar with a camera on its back (VIDEO)
Hackers offer reward for first iPhone 5s fingerprint hack
Apple computers at risk to "Kissing" trojan
New ransomware transforms computers into BITCOIN mining
September 20, 2013
iOS 7 vs iOS 6 and more (15 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Florida Friday: Robin Thicke's song 'Blurred Lines' played in background of assault video (MUGSHOT)
Florida Friday: 54 year old attempts exorcism to "get the devil out" of 80 year old girlfriend (MUGSHOT)
Random Photo: A Stark dream
Florida Friday: Woman blew a 0.41, 0.41! (MUGSHOT)
Former Amazon.com CFO Joy Covey killed by Amazon delivery van (VIDEO)
iOS 7: Boy's tears over Apple's new software (VIDEO)
Pintrest promises not to screw up the site with ads - most users welcome it
250 'Breaking Bad' items up for sale on ScreenBid
Feds ask for backdoors
KVM switch used to pilfer 1.3 million pounds
September 21, 2013
Make Internet Explorer 11 Work for You With These Tips and more (14 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Presidential crackers
Man kills wife for overtightening ketchup bottle (MUGSHOT)
iPhone overnight campers robbed at gun point (VIDEO)
Dreammail removed from Majorgeeks listings
September 22, 2013
Create archives using public key encryption and more @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: College bathroom training
LinkedIn sued for hacking into members external e-mail accounts
Drone season opens in Deer Trail, Colorado
Random Photo: Plumbers Crack Camoflague
September 23, 2013
Antec HCP-850 850W PSU and more (12 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Soy Milk
Spider-Man arrested for attempted robbery (VIDEO)
Colin Farrell and Paula Patton considered for Warcraft movie
Man arrested impersonating a cop for free Applebee's food (MUGSHOT)
iPhone 5s Outsells 5c by 3.4x in the United States opening weekend
Apple sells 9 million iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C units in first weekend
LG Vu 3 with 5.2-inch HD 4:3 display, Snapdragon 800 processor announced
Random Photo: Miley Cyrus can lick a hammer, but you...
The iPhone’s Fingerprint Sensor has already been hacked
HP Pavilion 17.3" Notebook w/ 1.9 GHz Quad-Core, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD for $399!
Flashback: Top news and downloads from the past week
SteelSeries Apex Gaming Keyboard Review @ Madshrimps
Gskill F3-2666C11D-8GTXD 2666MHz Dual Channel @ Bjorn3d
Cooler Master V8 GTS 140mm POM Heatsink CPU Cooler Review @ BMR
Sapphire Radeon HD7730 1GB GDDR5 Video Card Review @ Bigbruin.com
Feds arrest pot dealer in his police cruiser
BlackBerry to be acquired for $4.7 Billion
Beware of fake iFruit for Grand Theft Auto V at Google Play
Trend Micro celebrates 25 years
Intel's vPro not turned off when computer is powered down
Microsoft SkyDrive accounts now top out at 200GB (VIDEO)
Strip club sues Oracle over unpaid $33,540 tab (VIDEO)
September 24, 2013
Hands-on review: Microsoft Surface Pro 2 and more (21 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Cop tickets US Army 'vehicle' during Colorado flood victim rescue
Florida professor caught with camera pen arrested for voyeurism (MUGSHOT)
Man arrested for throwing cat at animal shelter receptionist (MUGSHOT)
Random Photo: Internet weather check
Random Photos: Expectations versus reality
Apple updates iMac line
BlackBerry: Leaked version of BBM delays official release to iOS and Android
GM CEO Akerson: Cadillac will take on Tesla
F.A.A. nears new rules on portable devices
Star Wars Trench Run demo released by Oculus Rift (VIDEO)
Still think you shouldn't update your Java?
.jpg's used to spread malware in Asia
September 25, 2013
AMD & NVIDIA 4K Gaming and more (19 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Computer time leads to stabbing (MUGSHOT)
Random Photo: A crappy cup of coffee
Random Photo: Boys start at a young age
Animals on trampolines (VIDEO)
Random Photos: It's a sign (3 photos)
Samsung to launch smartphone with curved screen in October
Unmanned F-16 jet tested by Boeing and US Air Force (VIDEO)
#hashtag with Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake (VIDEO)
Dead Drops for the Rest of Us
Man shoots neighbor for "telepathic" assault on wife (MUGSHOTS)
RSA warns customers of encryption flaw
NYC cops pushing iOS7
SuperAntiSpyware 5.6 Pro keys, enter to win!
September 26, 2013
HP Envy TouchSmart 15 Review and more (18 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
GNOME 3.10 Released
Random Photo: iPhone footwear
Paramedics break down door to empty home, refuse to pay for damage (VIDEO)
Recalculating: Apple map app directs drivers over active airport runway
The 50 + Sexiest Pictures of Heather Locklear (Then and Now) @ Ranker
Mom arrested after helping 11 year old son assault man with bicycle for a cigarette (MUGSHOT)
BlackBerry holds off on earnings call due to letter of intent to sell
Random Photo: Don't drink and drive kiddies
Bill Gates admits Control-Alt-Delete was a mistake during Harvard Campaign Q&A (VIDEO)
Time Warner Cable hints at more modem fee hikes
The Gold iPhone Shortage Will Soon Be Over (VIDEO)
Dell abandons Windows RT
The NSA is looking for a Privacy Officer
Google Glass road show starting October 5, in North Carolina
Facebook finally allows editing of posts
September 27, 2013
Intel SSD DC S3500 Series (600GB) Review and more (13 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
BitFenix Phenom Cases
UK secretly arrested 16 year old for Spamhaus DDoS attack
Florida Friday Random Photo: The weather in Florida
BlackBerry confirms loss of $965 million and 45% sales drop
Florida Friday: 'Scratch and sniff' bandit stole fake hair (VIDEO)
Florida Friday: Officer suspended for making woman shake bra during traffic stop
Random Photo: Bad choice for a Twitter handle?
Florida Friday: iPad thief posts tongue wagging selfies on stolen device (VIDEO)
Baboon attacks reporter live on camera (VIDEO)
Google marks 15th anniversary with "Hummingbird" update
Google celebrates turning 15 with a 'whack a Piñata' Google Doodle and Easter egg
Internet safety being pushed in the UK
Google dumps "Imessage for Android"
SilverStone Temjin TJ04-E Evolution Chassis Review @ OCIA.net
Overclocking The Ivy Bridge Extreme Core i7 4930K @ Ninjalane
September 28, 2013
Synology DiskStation DS213j NAS Review and more (10 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) Final Beta released
Cross-dressing senior citizen arrested at Walmart (MUGSHOT)
Random Photo: Mayberry vampire spotted
Flashing brake lights alert police to illicit rendezvous (MUGSHOT)
Random Photo: Balls!
The NSA Says Your Social is Their Business.
September 29, 2013
Road rage leads to shooting by off-duty Department of Homeland Security agent (VIDEO)
Random Photo: Out for a ride...
Random Photo: Doll selfie
Random Photo: Best hotel ever?
Never-ending collection of Google Street views
September 30, 2013
ASUSTOR AS-304T 4-bay NAS Server Review and more (12 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: The Empire Strikes Back
Expectations Versus Reality @ PedalToTheMetal
Flashback: Top news and downloads from the past week
Random Photo: When she says she DGAF, she really means she DGAF
New Microsoft Surface ad now available (VIDEO)
Delta to equip 11,000 pilots with Microsoft Surface 2 tablet devices
Google now warns if it suspects "state-sponsored attacks"
Report states that China hacked into defense systems
NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Finds Ingredient of Household Plastic in Space (VIDEO)
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
October 2013