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Using AeroShake To Clear Your Desktop
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How to Diagnose RAM Issues with Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool: A Step-by-Step Guide
Deciding Between Idle State, Sleep Mode, and Shutdown: What's Best for Your PC?
Unlock Google's Hidden Powers: Search Tricks Every Geek Should Know
2024 Black Friday Deals
TikTok Ban: What Happens If the Supreme Court Upholds It?
March 2014
Archive for March 2014
March 1, 2014
OpenMandriva Lx 2014 Alpha 2 released
February 2014 System Guide and more (14 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: The NSA really cares
The best 'get out of a speeding ticket excuse' - I won $50k!
Random Photo: Facebook sales
Class action suit filed against MtGox
Gameover Zeus variant harder to kill
March 2, 2014
Random Photo: The need to go on social media explained
A drug deal at Dunkin' Donuts is just asking to be arrested (Mugshots)
How to get your computer to come out of sleep or hibernation mode when it fails
'Cookie Monster' arrested for stealing from Girl Scouts (Video)
Salty Meal: Waves smash into restaurant in California (Video)
Facebook post costs parents $80,000
FBI to roll out malware tracking system
March 3, 2014
Flashback: Top news and downloads from the past week
'Friend Request From Someone You Are Already Friends With' Alert Message
50 best Android apps 2014 and more (13 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Linux Mint Debian 201403 released
Random Photo: Trekking on down Abbey Road
MtGox announces a call center
Cisco $300k challenge: Secure the Internet of Things
Support for XP to continue in China
Drunken wrong way driver blames GPS (Mugshot)
March 4, 2014
Monster Build Part 1 and more (18 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
NVIDIA 334.21 Linux Drivers
Random Photo: You know it is cold when.....
10 year old boy suspended for using a level 2 lookalike firearm......his finger (Video)
Fox weather reporter gets plowed (Video)
Sprint sued by Feds for overcharging on wiretaps by $21 Million
WB Games releases official Batman trailer - 'Father to Son'
Random Photo: When fake is worth more
F-Secure warning to XP users
Flexcoin to shut down following a theft of its Bitcoins
March 5, 2014
BF4 AMD Mantle Video Card Performance Review Part 1 and more (18 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
CompatDB Updates 03/05/14
Random Photo: A wife posts her subtle revenge
Geek assault: Man stabbed with 'Legend of Zelda' sword in dispute (Video)
RT anchor sent to Crimea after on air rant opposing Russia's actions (Video)
Dell charging customers for installation of free Mozilla Firefox
MtGox subject to class action suit
Worst job ever: Florida court technician tasked with blurring bits of Bieber (Video)
Teacher suspended for unauthorized taping of students in class
March 6, 2014
Radeon HD 6990 vs R9 290X: Should I upgrade? and more (17 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
AMD Announces New AM1 Platform
Random Photos: Men will always accept a picture of these (2 Photos)
Another RT reporter goes off on-air (Video)
Transformers: Age Of Extinction teaser trailer (Video)
Def Leppard drummer has nothing on this superhuman cyborg (Video)
North Dakota police put the lid on sibling toilet seat scuffle (Mugshot)
It's Magic!
I give you... The video breakfast bomb!
Apple won't unlock dead mom's IPad
TOR network: Home for malware
March 7, 2014
Intel 730 Jackson Ridge 240GB SSD Review and more (19 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
KDE 4.13 Beta 1 released
It's a sign (7 Photos)
Florida Friday: Highly intoxicated mom attempts to pick up kids at school, gravity wins (Mugshot)
Florida Friday: Coitus refusal on Tranquil Lane leads to toaster assault (Mugshot)
Double fail: British beautician's political tweet about UK president Barraco Barner goes viral
Last XP patch to be released this Tuesday
March 8, 2014
What's up dog? (7 Photos)
Random Photos: Bits of body bling - cha ching! (6 Photos)
'Naked Video' Facebook scam infects Millions with Trojan
Walmart meat tainted with LSD (Videos)
Middle school bully gets beat down from Florida mom (Mugshot + Video)
Random Photo: Massive medical breakthrough made!
Internet outcry spurs new law regarding Up-Skirt Photos
Googles barge moved to Stockton
Spring is around the corner, daylight savings ends tonight
March 9, 2014
Random Photo: Free candy!
87 year old Florida pilot hits skydiver with his plane (Video)
Intel Core i7-4960X vs Core i7-3960X Gaming Review and more (17 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Wine 1.7.14 released
'Tayla the manatee slaya' and friend arrested after manatee cannonballing video appears on Facebook (Video)
2 Treated for smoke inhalation after failed fire rescue....of their flat-screen tv
Cryptolocker evolving
March 10, 2014
CyberPowerPC Zeus Mini System Review and more @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Science can make anything sound scary
Man in bathtub injured after being hit by car (Video)
Watch A Stun Gun Drone Tase An Intern
Middle school resource officer shoots student with stun gun during demonstration (Video)
2 Drivers found buzzed after accident - 600 bees sting victims (Video)
Watch Edward Snowden interview at SXSW (Video)
Virgin Media subscribers' wireless connections are vulnerable to hackers.
MtGox files to stop class action suit
March 11, 2014
Best Windows 8 laptops and more (27 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Old school
'End of Windows XP Support' popup messages appearing for XP users
Seems Legit? (5 Photos)
Honeymooners drunken 'in flight fight' forces emergency landing
Uzi selfie leads to bank robbery arrest (Video)
Shortest parole: Man arrested with marijuana 1 hour after release (Mugshot)
Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for March 2014
March 12, 2014
Monster Build Part 2 and more (13 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photos: www.Happy_ 25th_ Birthday! (6 Photos)
MajorGeeks Locals: It's going, it's going, it's gone!
You're Doing it Wrong (6 Photos)
2 men arrested for theft, one wearing a Cookie Monster onesie (Mugshots)
Skype used for "porn blackmail"
MTGox CEO sees assets frozen
March 13, 2014
GeForce GTX 680 vs Radeon R9 280X and more (24 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photos: Problem solved! (2 Photos)
Man arrested for walking Venice Beach boardwalk.....with a chainsaw (Video)
Silver booted, dress wearing man attacks car with concrete (Video)
Random Photo: O Mg
Your ool is a potential 'weapon of mass destruction' - just add P (Video)
NSA using Facebook login pages to infect computers with malware (Video)
Kid goes to day care with 48 packets of heroin
British school kids to be the next wave of cybersecurity experts
Identity thief sentenced, used 'Eric Holder, Wal-Mart employee' to defraud IRS
March 14, 2014
Random Photo: Friday!
50 best iPhone apps 2014 and more (22 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Today's headline award goes to....UPI (with a 'Florida Friday' nod)
Florida Friday meets MajorGeeks locals: Man arrested for slow speed DUI (Mugshot)
Beware of 'Malaysia flight MH370 found' Facebook videos, contains malware
Target hack could have been prevented
All browsers hacked at Pwn2Own competition
Random Photo: That snow mystery
Pastor confesses to adultery, drops dead in front of entire congregation
March 15, 2014
Woman hits biker, DMV building on third license test attempt - Fail! (Video)
The mechanics of pole dancing (Video)
Random Photo: Display fail (2 Photos)
Microsoft sees a slow decline in dominance
March 16, 2014
Intel to increase focus on desktop computers and more (17 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Blocked revenge
Model sues Playboy for $500K after golf shot on 'back nine' mishap
Misidentified 76 year old man tasered six times in Wal-Mart parking lot, zaps police with $50K lawsuit
March 17, 2014
Malaysia Airlines 'Lose Yourself' advertisement is just a bad joke
Random Photos: One of those days (2 Photos)
Asus Transformer Windows 8 Tablet Review and more @ NT Compatible
Man high on 'shrooms asks police for help, hits one in head (Video)
California father arrested for playing 'got your nose trick' on infant (Mugshot)
Men sue NYPD for attempted White Castle slider snatch and arrest
London’s Metropolitan Police need to upgrade 40,000 PC's
XP holdouts snatching up Windows 7
Chicago River runs green for St. Patty's day (Videos)
March 18, 2014
AMD A10-7850K Kaveri Unlocked Quad Core APU and more (18 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Fresh fish dinner: Aquarium in Downtown Disney restaurant ruptures on diners (Video)
Pot smoking wife with "devil inside her" stabs husband at church for "worshipping NASCAR" (Mugshot + Video)
Phishing scam targets Google Docs users
Moving out: Parents take only essentials, Xbox, TV, computer - no room for kids (Video)
You're Doing it Wrong (4 Photos)
Pentagon payroll banks hacked
MtGox throws its customers a bone
Patton Oswalt does a 'True Detective' parody (Video)
March 19, 2014
Random Photo: Trolls will always troll...
Fake Walt Disney World Facebook Pages Being Used to Scam People with Free Trips
Crucial M550 SSD Reviews and more (19 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
AMD Catalyst 14.3 LINUX Beta V1.0 Driver
Man wanted in Gainesville for drive-by urination, dubbed the "urinator"
Man's electronics obsession packed into one geeky van (Video)
Woman sets car on fire during McFlurry fury (Video)
It's a sign (10 Photos)
Panda reports 82,000 new malware attacks per day
Diabl0 arrested in Bangkok
Armed police respond to 'man with a gun' tattoo
March 20, 2014
Intel Roadmap Updates and more (25 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
openSUSE 13.2 Milestone 0 released
MajorGeeks Locals: 50 instruments stolen by music teacher to feed heroin habit (Mugshots)
'Random item' fight rages at Wawa (Video)
Plow driver caught trucking wrong way down Maryland roadway (Video)
Giant chicken roams the prehistoric earth
Microsoft nabs leaker
March 21, 2014
AMD Kaveri A10-7850K Overclocking and more (18 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Top 10 #NSAPickupLines
Florida Friday: Man arrested for smashing cars with golf club in jail parking lot (Mugshot)
Florida Friday: Flinging poo at pregnant girlfriend lands man in jail (Mugshot)
Fake podiatry student sucks Walmart customer into foot fetish trap (Video)
Gmail closes door on NSA; all email now encrypted
Naked and drunk earns women night in jail
MtGox finds 200,000 bitcoins
Random Photo: Red Bull vs. black bull
Microsoft claims Hotmail hack was justified
Random Photo: One bad selfie!
March 22, 2014
In Depth: Windows 8.1 Update 1 and more @ NT Compatible
Wine 1.7.15 released
Seems Legit? (6 Photos)
Apparently SelloTape Selfies are the latest Facebook craze
Random Photos: The sad truth - sock it to me! (2 Photos)
Off-duty cop launches car off freeway, crashes into McDonald's drive-thru (Video)
Microsoft offers incentive to abandon XP
Dotcom and his colleagues face extradition
March 23, 2014
Kama Sutra: 9 sensual positions for the computer geek
'Bad' man arrested for asking bank teller to spank him (Mugshot)
Florida man charged with DUI, hit and run - on his mountain bike (Mugshot)
Bus driver arrested for DUI, blames gin soaked raisins (Video)
R.I.P: James Rebhorn, 'Homeland' Star, Dead at 65
California DMV may have been hacked
March 24, 2014
XBMC / Media Player PC March 2014 and more (14 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
CompatDB Updates 03/24/14
Gwar frontman Dave Brockie (Oderus Urungus) dead at 50
Random Photos: That's just not right (5 Photos)
New Facebook scam - 'Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane Found in Forest'
Woman has a laugh failing DUI test (Mugshot + Video)
Holy coke-filled condoms intercepted en route to Vatican
How to poo on a date
Are robots in our future? Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg think so
March 25, 2014
3 Free Alternatives to Windows for Desktop PCs and more (24 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 Beta released
Random Photo: Creative outlet denied
Man wearing pants as shirt arrested for DUI (Mugshot)
Freedom Tower base jumpers arrested (Video)
BitCrypt is latest encryption malware
Huge vulnerability in Word, says Microsoft
NVIDIA introduces $3000 GeForce GTX TITAN Z at 2014 GPU Technology Conference (Videos)
March 26, 2014
5 Tools To Migrate Your Data From Windows XP and more (18 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
GWAR family talks about Dave Brockie death and band’s future (Video)
It's a sign (16 Photos)
Angry man arrested for hitting girlfriend with anger management book (Mugshots)
A Flipping Game Changer: Hands on with the Yoga 2
Microsoft donates source code
System Restore could cause issues in Windows 8 if not updated
Wednesday's Review Roundup.
Man arrested for DUI after getting car stuck on police department lawn (Mugshot)
Captured burglar to homeowner; "let me go, I pooped my pants" (Video + Courtroom Photo)
March 27, 2014
30 750-850 Watt Power Supplies Review and more (25 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
GNOME 3.12 Released
Random Photo: No thank you!
You're Doing it Wrong (11 Photos)
Mulch Madness: Line cutter assaulted at Lowe's (Mugshot + Video)
Introducing Sub-Categories (That's a Wrap)
A Warning to Those Sticking With XP
Judge rules that Facebook can use names and pics of minors
Study questions Bitcoin loss
March 28, 2014
Corsair Graphite 760T Reviews and more (22 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Beta 2 released
Random Photo: A surprising 'Where Are They Now' revealed
Florida Friday: Road rage driver receives instant karma! (Mugshot + Video)
Random Photo: OMG, it's Batman!
Florida Friday: 5 year old held upside down at condo pool by drunk man (Mugshot)
Florida Friday: I went to Florida for spring break and all I got was this lousy taser burn!
Office coming to iPad
Walking into things as you read your text messages? Apple will soon have an app for that
The Photobomb bar has been raised (Video)
March 29, 2014
Intel Core i7-4930K vs Core i7-3930K SLI Gaming-Performance and more @ NT Compatible
What's Up Dog? (7 Photos)
$31K deposited into teens account in error by bank, teen now MIA
Pinterest hacked with butt pics
March 30, 2014
Toshiba MQ01ABD100H 1TB SSHD Review and more @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Hardcore punography
Crispi used bacon in arson attempt (Video)
Come on in and have a drink (6 Photos)
March 31, 2014
A closer look at DirectX 12 and more @ NT Compatible
Seems Legit? (10 Photos)
Random Photo: Obamacares....
Valet in Florida offers mandatory car-wash with dockside pickup (Video)
Man swept out to sea during baptism (Video)
UK finally has a national Computer Emergency Response Team
Cable bill argument leads to murder and threats of score settling in the afterlife (Video)
A few more reasons to upgrade from XP
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
April 2014