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MajorGeeks and Cheat Happens August 2023 Give-A-Way
Here's What You Need to Know About LogoFAIL
Using AeroShake To Clear Your Desktop
How to Edit Audio in Your Videos Using Shotcut
How to Diagnose RAM Issues with Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool: A Step-by-Step Guide
Deciding Between Idle State, Sleep Mode, and Shutdown: What's Best for Your PC?
Unlock Google's Hidden Powers: Search Tricks Every Geek Should Know
2024 Black Friday Deals
TikTok Ban: What Happens If the Supreme Court Upholds It?
November 2014
Archive for November 2014
November 1, 2014
20 of the Worst PC Setups October 2014 and more (20 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Wine 1.7.30 released
Random Photo: Morning mugging
Man blames failed 'Jared Diet' for Subway robberies (Video)
Armored truck drops bag of cash, samaritans stop to help steal it
Facebook adds service for Tor users
Virginia judge rules cops can make you unlock your iPhone if you use Touch ID
U.S. has slowest speeds and highest cost for internet service
November 2, 2014
Gaming PC - November 2014 and more @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Spare any change?
Arizona pastor gets 2 a.m. Ebola check from police
Guide to the races of Star Wars (Video)
Beer truck overturns, villagers rejoice in the amber nectar of the Gods
November 3, 2014
Intel Skylake-S sports LGA 1151 socket and more @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Sometimes it's OK to throw rocks at girls
Here's the latest 21 new downloads on MajorGeeks
Random Photo: A shocking fact
Fake AdBlock app pulled from Google Play store
Windows 8 and 8.1 see small increase in usage as Windows 7 still reigns
Bent iPhone controversy rages on (Video)
November 4, 2014
Random Photo: Logged
Samsung Chromebook 2 Review and more (23 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Visitors lost in maize maze call police for help
Random Photo: Good luck kid
BitDefender drops in latest rating test
Apple-1 to be sold by Christie's; estimated price $600,000
1st official trailer for Neill Blomkamp's 'Chappie' (Video)
Burglar takes jewelry but leaves DNA in toilet ( mug shot )
November 5, 2014
10 Firefox Productivity Tips and Tools and more (17 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
openSUSE 13.2 released
Random Photo: Reasons to update software
Man in Tigger suit out for honey is in a little Pooh
Random Photo: Cyber thief, LOL
AT&T pushing "It Can Wait" campaign to stop texting and driving (Video)
Does Google Glass impair your vision? (Video)
Tests show only six messaging apps are truly secure
$15 to all: Intel settles AMD Athlon benchmarking class action lawsuit
November 6, 2014
How to track your run with the Microsoft Band and more (20 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Social wake up
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap: AC/DC drummer arrested in murder plot (Update)
Gunfire arises from hairy surgery
Random Photo: Help desk, please!
We're on Tumbler. If you can't beat em.....
Microsoft Office for iOS devices offered for free
New app tells you how much time you spend on your phone
November 7, 2014
Intel Haswell-EP Xeon 12 Core Review and more (19 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Advance Notification Service for the November 2014 Security Bulletin Release
Florida Friday: Drunken man mistakes 911 for escort service, no happy ending (Mugshot + Video)
Russian 'Black Energy' trojan found within critical US infrastructure (Video)
Random Photo: Arrested for what?
WalMart introduces the Vudu dongle
U.K. teen sentenced for hacking: gets probation
Home Depot blames third party for data breach
Drunken duo attempt to flee robbery in trailered pontoon boat (Mugshots)
November 8, 2014
Random Photo: A view of Earth during the holidays
ISIS now armed with ransomware (Video)
Lake Michigan full of zombies after barge sinks (Videos)
Takes a licking and keeps on ticking! (Video)
Google warns of "manual hacking"
Would you buy an upside down car? (Video)
November 9, 2014
Ultimate PC Buying Guide and more (17 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photos: Funny food (3 Photos)
The geekiest mining disaster
DIY weapon versus Newton's third law (Video)
Canadian man offers free trip around the world!
Microsoft offering refunds on Office 365
Vigin Mobile has major snafu over the weekend
Florida man arrested for stealing Tangerines (mug shot)
Random Photo: Something's missing
November 10, 2014
Entry-level PC Buying Guide and more (12 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Major reboot
Here's the latest 20 new downloads on MajorGeeks
207 mph rocket-powered bicycle smashes world record (Video)
Obama speaks out on net neutrality
Grandmother makes her third skydiving jump on her 100th birthday
Traveling exec's are the target of cyberespionage groups
Woman claims Monster Energy drink a sign of Satan (Video)
November 11, 2014
Z97 & Z87 Motherboard Charts: 42 Models tested and more (19 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Microsoft Lumia 535 is now available
Random Photo: Truth in advertising
Walmart employee caught using Old Spice deodorant then restocking them
95 per cent of all iPhones vulnerable to "Masque Attack"
Personal data of 800,000 USPS employees exposed in cyber-attack
Space X planning on launching satellites to provide internet service
FCC tells Obama to stuff it
Huckabee rhymes with.... (Video)
Google rents Moffett Field for $1 Billion: consumer group calls foul
What happens when you put a glow stick in the microwave (Video)
Did you know MajorGeeks has RSS feeds?
Patch Tuesday: Massive vulnerability in Schannel could allow remote code execution
November 12, 2014
The Best Graphics Cards of 2014 and more (19 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Recon is key for success
Random Photo: New Firefox feature
Random Photos: Internet Explorer, LOL
Bitter divorce, a little red Corvette and the Delaware river (Video)
Nvidia debunks lunar landing conspiracy (Video)
IBM researcher finds flaw dating back to Windows 95
Is that a chain saw in your pants or are you just happy to see me (Mug shot and video)
November 13, 2014
Philae probe transmits first surface photos from comet
HP Stream 7 First Impressions (14 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Scientific Linux 6.6 released
Adobe update
Random Photo: What's your router name?
Is your AV software running?
Panasonic expands recall of ion-lithium batteries
Georgia man sentenced to nine years for credit card theft
John Wayne Bobbitt's head smashed in red-light accident - not a repeat of 1993
November 14, 2014
A Fix for Some OneDrive Problems in Windows 10 (10 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Florida Friday + MajorGeeks locals: Brevard man offers chicken dinner for sex
Florida Friday + MajorGeeks locals: Man sticks chainsaw down shorts (Video)
Florida Friday: Armed robbers drag victims through store, order them to remove pants (Video)
Random Photo: Apple Vs. Samsung Lifestyle Edition
Random Photo: Always a rebel
First snowfall prompts mass migration
US Marshal Service tracking cell phones with aircraft
US Census breaks down computer usage
November 15, 2014
Words that shall not be spoken at Chick-fil-a
New video from MajorGeeks: How To Start Your Computer In Safe Mode
Victim of nude revenge photos threatened with indecent exposure charge
Six year old passes Microsofts Certified Professional exam
Walmart selling crap-let Nextbook
Are you stuck in a maze? (Video)
November 16, 2014
Exploring Performance Consistency in USB 3.0 Flash Drives and more (11 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Wine 1.7.31 released
Kim Kardashian - Breaking the Internet Memes -- NSFW
Random Photo: Unable to restart after crash
Google closing down Google Wallet
November 17, 2014
Budget Game PC Buying Guide and more (9 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Monday morning is like....
Here's the latest downloads listed this past week on MajorGeeks
College student stressed from exams sheepishly tells cops wool is comforting
Bra wearing man blocks ATM, police swiftly get bust (Mugshot)
Intel to develop supercomputers based on light beams
Google launches balloons over Australia
Where is Apple Pay being used? McDonalds!
November 18, 2014
Building A Gaming PC For Under $400 With SteamOS and more (19 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
PHP 5.5.19 for Debian 7
Random Photos: Facebook jail (2 Photos)
Random Photos: Making your partner feel good (2 Photos)
New York pay phones to become WiFi kiosks
Anonymous hacks KKK
Notorious murderer Charles Manson to marry
Shooting a deer ala carte
What do dogs do after a hard day at work? (Video)
November 19, 2014
A first taste of Lollipop on Nvidias Shield Tablet and more (19 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-068/MS14-066
Time lapse of lake effect snow in Buffalo, NY (Videos)
Helter Skelter wedding registry at Bed, Bath and Beyond
In Soviet Russia, the good night does not go quietly (Video)
Random Photo: Mind blowing snow
Google is creating a mobile friendly label for web sites
Ireland asks the EU to assist with fight over Microsofts battle with the feds over email access
Random Photo: Chicken wings, LOL
November 20, 2014
Gaming and Computing at 4K Resolution and more (27 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Forced entry
Hazard police arrest neighboring towns police chief at Taco Bell for DUI (Videos)
Random Photo: One small leap....
Mozilla dumps Google; Yahoo becomes the default search engine
Grandmas smoke pot for the first time (Video)
Detekt tool released to find surveillance malware
November 21, 2014
11 high-end DDR3 memory kits and more (18 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Bear with me
Florida Friday: Drunken bicyclist arrested at Taco Bell (Sad-face Mugshot)
Florida Friday: Drunk driver challenges deputy to chase him, attempts to flee (Mugshot)
Freshly blown drone over Buffalo (Videos)
Android and iOS users vulnerable to new attack
Would you pay to remove ads?
November 22, 2014
Random Photo: Anonymous pickup
Vicious guard dog protects home from burglar (Video)
Man threatens to kill shop staff with gun picture
Man sentenced to 18 months for hacking into Subway POS systems
Google OK’d to launch 20 Project Loon balloons a day (Video)
Snowmageddon! (Video)
November 23, 2014
Home Server Guide and more (19 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: High steaks
Street Fighter: Goat and sheep edition (Video)
The methman always rings twice (Mugshot)
Microsoft turns to robots for security
November 24, 2014
Workshop: making your PC as energy efficient as possible and more (19 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Curb your enthusiasm
E-cigs can give you malware
Snow is no match for this inventive wheelchair bound boy (Video)
Windows Update turns Avast protected computers to bricks
Symantec warns of “Regin” malware
Eight ways your cat may be trying to kill you (Video)
Random Photo: BuffaLOL
November 25, 2014
Lenovo Y70 Touch Laptop Review and more (19 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Facebook to make a lot of changes on January 1, 2015
Random Photos: Got it covered (2 Photos)
Parallel parking record set in China (Video)
Random Photos: Hard start to the day (2 Photos)
How well does your AV software protect itself?
New technology allows users to control computer with just eye movements
Official Jurassic World trailer released (Video)
November 26, 2014
Holiday Gift Guide 2014 and more (14 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Pave the way with humor
Passengers push plane stuck on ice, no surcharge (Video)
Man arrested for menacing aka pointing banana at deputies (Mugshot)
Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom claims he is out of money, blames the U.S
Spaghetti eating contest: Retriever vs Shepard (Video)
Adobe patches Flash again
November 27, 2014
Zotac ZBOX CA320 nano PLUS Review and more (18 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Chase Bank phishing scheme promises Amazon gift cards for completing a survey
Home Depot breach costing 43 million so far
Man invents pill to make farts smell like chocolate (Video)
November 28, 2014
Best X99 Motherboards: Holiday 2014 and more (11 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Random Photo: Black Friday shoe spoiler
Two young boys get plowed in NYC (Video)
Driving along in the snow and then..... (Video)
New POS malware surfaces
Britain bans more torrent sites
The Force Awakens Official Teaser Trailer #1 (Video)
Reading, PA. Christmas tree gets “Peanuts” effect (Video)
November 30, 2014
SSD mega round-up: Sixty 256/512 SATA600 SSDs tested and more (17 Reviews) @ NT Compatible
Linux Mint 17.1 released
Random Photo: Infamous rapper - MC Cos Be
Japan gears up to send space probe to mine asteroid
Random Photo: In the end, the truth is irrelavant
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
December 2014