Website Hacker Hitman is for admins and IT professionals to scan a website for vulnerabilities.
Website Hacker Hitman scans and blueprints a website to identify what server and technologies are running. It will then test for, and reveal exploitable URL's, potential SQL injections, password files, directories, login pages and more.
The interface has a command-line with a GUI look and feel and is as simple to use as typing in a domain name and click on scan. During our tests, we found it capable of scanning thousands of ports, checking for numerous login portals, and much more. There is no abort button, but you can close the window to stop. The URL used must include HTTP:// or HTTPS:// and no trailing backslash.
While plenty of potentially false positives are shown that are very common, port scans and other scans can be very revealing. Potential login portals, for example, are often obvious and many will usually be discovered. All results have links to the problem page, and in some cases, link to websites including Speedguide.Net to find out further details.
We enjoyed testing this app and can see how it would be useful considering the number of hacked websites appearing daily.
Website Hacker Hitman is free for non-commercial use. For commercial use, a one-time fee of $500 is required for an entire company, lifetime license. Personal users can also make a PayPal donation here.
Version History for Website Hacker Hitman:
-Fixed various banner grabbing issues
-Added the option to choose which scans you would like to perform
-Slightly improved the GUI
-Added false positives detection
Simple Port Forwarding works with webpages and not directly with your router making it a safe program to use. Supports 52 Languages and 2600+ routers. Portable version also available.